Acharya Nagarjuna University B.Tech 1st & 2nd Year April 2016 Exam Notification

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for payment of Exarlination fee for llllV - 2,,,r Selrester (Regular-CR/RR)llllv-ll'semester (Supple.-CR/RR)andl/lV _ 2"d& l't Sernester(Regular&Supple.CR)and
I/lV year (SLrpple. CR/RR) Examiriations to be held in April,2016, the following is the fee schedLrle of dates forthe
payrnent of Exarnination fee and receipt of filled in applications for the said Exarninations:
l. Last date for payment of E,xamination fee
and sLrbmission of applications to the principal
2. Lastdate for payment of fee with a late fee of Rs. | 00/-
and subrnission of applications to the principal
3. Last date for subrrissiorr of Nonrinal rolls to lte
Contloller of Exan inations. A.N.U.
: 06-04-2016 (Wednesdar,)
4. qt!orl!.
a) ITiIV B. Tech. (2"d Semester) (Regularl
b) IIllV B.'feclr. (l'' senresrer) (SLrpple.)
c) IilV B.'Iech. (2"" Serlesrer) (RcgLrlar)
d) I/lV B. Tech. (l'' semester) (Supple.)
e) I/lV -year wise B. Tech. (SLrpple)
5. Fee parliculars:
Whole examination fee for IIllV B.Tech. -
Whole exanrination fee for l/lV B.Tech
Fee for single paper:
Fee for lwo papers:
Fee for three papers: -
Fee for four papers:
Fee for five papers.
Fee for six or lrore papefs for Il/lV B.Tectt
Fee for six or rnore papers fbr l/lV B.Tcch
Practical exalnination fee lor. each ;taper
: 07-04-2016 (Saturday)
: I l-04-2016 (Monda1,)
)6-04-20| 6 (I 0.00 a.rn. to 0t.00 p.rrr.)
2l-04 20l6 (02 00 p.rn. ro 05.00 p,rn.)
21-0'1-2016 (10.00 a.n.r, to 0J.00 p.m,1
26-04-2016 (02.00 p.rn. to 05.00 p.m.)
2l-04-20l6 (10.00 to 01.00 p.rn.)
Rs.3 3 0/-
Rs.840/- '
l. The Principals of the concerned Engg. Colleges are hereby requested not to collect the apy examination
fee and notto pernrit the stLrdents who cqnrpleted the nraximunr time limit of Bi6 years as the case rnav be
to appear for the University Examinations.
The Principals of the all affiliated ti'gg. coileges. ANU area. with
Exar"nination fee shall be paid by oNLINll S.B.r. challarr No.3090g794599.
a reqUest to collect the
3. Temporary Affiliation order from the uriversitv for the vear 20 r5-16.

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